Lesson 2. Benefits of the SILVER ECONOMY
The relationship between the Silver Economy and sustainability not only generates social benefits such as a commitment to a fairer world, but also generates personal benefits for the older person who wishes to become an entrepreneur.
One advantage is that they can establish a business in a new area that is less exploited within the Silver Economy field: such as tourism, integrated care services with better connectivity, a digital environment adapted to the needs of the elderly, and so on. Senior entrepreneurs who are motivated to become a Social Entrepreneur will stimulate economic activity as a result of their action. In short, this group can generate real market opportunities to boost the economy, including elements of innovation, entrepreneurship, and the promotion of new professions, and so on.
Aside from benefits, we can talk about the subject in terms of opportunities.
Today, we have a new generation of older people who are in better shape than their predecessors.
El ecosistema regional y local emergente favorece la consolidación del sector de la Economía de la Plata, especialmente en la Economía Social y Solidaria (ESS). Así, la ESS es portadora de un proyecto humano y social (y no sólo económico) de la Silver Economy. Tiene la capacidad de implicar a las personas mayores en la gobernanza. En otras palabras, la EES también tiene capacidad para desarrollar la innovación social (por ejemplo, para liderar y desarrollar proyectos innovadores). Por ello, una oportunidad para la Silver Economy se centra en poder apoyar a los líderes de proyectos de la SEE (incubadora, vivero de empresas, cooperativa de empresas, etc.). Por último, esto podría conducir a la multiplicación de iniciativas locales y territoriales en torno a la Silver Economy.
European Commission predicts that the Silver Economy, in addition to generating many economic benefits, will contribute significantly to job creation and gross value added (GVA) in the European Union (EU) by 2025. Therefore, the Silver Economy will bring us the following opportunities:
– Silverisation of sectors: new products and services adapted to the needs of the elderly will emerge on the market. To achieve this, it will be important to rely on gerontology, the area of technology that studies human ageing.
– Boosting new professions: The ageing of the population will bring with it the creation of jobs and the emergence of careers related to the Silver Economy, for example in caring for the elderly.
– Investment in strategic plans: The rise of the Silver Economy will encourage governments to invest in solutions that improve, for example, healthcare and independence for the elderly.