Results: 146
1601-TÜBİTAK Support Program for the Enhancement of the Capacity in the Fields of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
99% of business in Turkey is at SME status. In order for them to overcome the challenges and competition that they face due to economical and technological changes, SMEs have...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Document 3MVET Mentor's handbook
The main purpose of the 3MVET Mentor's handbook is to support the mentors responsible for the delivery of practical training in companies where VET students/trainees in the fields of Mechanical...
Projects Turkey Bulgarian Dutch English Spanish Turkish Document 50pro
"50pro brings together methodologies and approaches on senior professionals with concerns who want to start their own business project. In the form of training, it helps seniors with business leadership...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain Spanish Website 55+
The project 55+ aims to foster the adoption of an active lifestyle. The 55+ specialists must be over 55 years of age and enrolled to provide services and assistance to...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website 60ymuchomás
The platform was designed to help improve the quality of life of the senior. A forum to discuss and present the solutions that companies, organisations and institutions provide to meet...
Good practices Spain Spanish Website A Paper for European Women Entrepreneurs Mentoring Network Project
This is a paper conducted through the European Women Entrepreneurs Mentoring Network Project by KAGİDER (Women Entrepreneurs Association in Turkey). This paper reflects a professional perspective and guidance on what...
Good practices Turkey Turkish Document Accompanying Seniors 2.0
The "Accompaniment 2.0" service is designed for jobseekers over 50. The main objective is to return to employment by enhancing their professional career paths and skills through the use of...
Projects France French Document Website Activa Seniors
Activa Seniors is a winning project of the Lanzadera de Emprendimiento initiative of the Santa María de la Real Foundation in collaboration with Fuenlabrada City Council. Its innovative objective is...
Projects Spain Spanish Audio / Podcast AGE Project: Senior Mentoring in DKV Seguros
The AGE project aims to bring together, through a mentoring process, Assets of Experience (senior talent) and Assets of Potential (young talent) with the following aspects: 1. It is not...
Projects Spain Spanish Website Applied Entrepreneurship Training by KOSGEB
KOSGEB is a prominent organization in supporting enterprises – especially SMEs – to sustain their businesses. To this aim, KOSGEB provides funds for businesses in Turkey. As a condition set...
Good practices Turkey English Turkish Website ARGEMENTOR+ SME MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME
ARGEMENTOR+ is a SME Mentorship Project, supported by TÜBİTAK. The project aims to support SMEs through development in indorsement, current marketshare, establishing a global market or increasing current global sales....
Projects Turkey Turkish Website Basic Mentorship Training
This training was delivered online by North Anatolian Development Agency (KUZKA) to 36 participants by 11 trainers. The training adopted a holistic approach by combining theoretical aspects with practical activities...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Turkey Turkish Website Bizipoz
Bizipoz is a cooperative that encourages the empowerment of older people. It designs and develops active ageing programs that respond to the current reality: life expectancy is increasing and people...
Good practices Spain Spanish Website Caregiver Workshops
This initiative aims to promote the employability of informal caregivers of persons suffering from multiple sclerosis, through training and workshops to enhance caregiver skills and to foster their integration in...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website Deep Dive into Deep Tech (Deep tech Entrepreneurship in the World and Turkey)
Creating solutions not only for the health sector, but also, for all other sectors, Deep Tech have had breakthrough impacts, such as unmanned air vehicle technologies on defence strategies. In...
Projects Turkey English Turkish Document Design and creation of an intergenerational mentoring platform for the elderly
Projects Colombia Spanish DocumentDIY (Development Impact You) Toolkit
DIY Toolkit A collection of practical tools to trigger and support social innovation, designed by Nesta, an innovation foundation based in the UK. The toolkit has been designed for development...
Tools and resources United Kingdom English Website Enterprise Ireland - Dublin BIC Smart Start Initiative
Enterprise Ireland, together with four Business Innovation Centres in Ireland, has developed a range of Smart Start programmes aimed at guiding and supporting entrepreneurs with a range of workshops and...
Projects Ireland English Website Enterprise Ireland - New Frontiers – National Programme for Developing Entrepreneurs
Aimed at early-stage start-ups, New Frontiers is Enterprise Ireland’s national entrepreneur development programme, 2021 – 2025. Its purpose is to support early-stage start-ups and accelerate their development through practical and...
Projects Ireland English Website Enterprise Ireland – Information Store for Start-Ups
The Enterprise Ireland Information Store for Start-Ups provides an array of useful links on the following topics: 1. Setting up a business 2. Business plans 3. Incubation space 4. Import/...
Tools and resources Ireland English Website Enterprise Ireland – Supporting SME’s Online Tool
The Supporting SME’s Online Tool is a new cross-governmental guide that allows small businesses to find the most suitable government support for their business by answering 8 online questions. There...
Tools and resources Ireland English Website Enterprise Ireland Mentor Network
Enterprise Ireland is a government organisation that works together with Irish enterprises to help them start, innovate and grow export sales in global markets. Enterprise Ireland’s Mentor Network has a...
Projects Ireland English Website Enterprise Ireland RENEWED 2025
Enterprise Ireland RENEWED is Ireland’s national enterprise policy. The document informs of Ireland’s enterprise policy framework. It covers enterprises of all sizes, origins, sectors, and at all stages of development....
Policy papers Ireland English Document Enterprise Ireland’s START Workshops
Enterprise Ireland offer workshops to help people with innovative and ambitious start-up ideas explore their business idea, and understand and evaluate the entrepreneurship process and what is involved. The workshops...
Projects Ireland English Website Entrepreneur 50+ Award
The Entrepreneur 50+ Award is granted by the Portuguese Centre Region Coordination and Regional Development Commission (CCDRC) in collaboration with 23 partner institutions. This award aims to promote senior entrepreneurship...
Good practices Portugal Portuguese Website Entrepreneur Factory
On the Entrepreneur Factory website relevant information can be found about training activities, consulting and available incubation-prototyping-production spaces to support the development of a business idea, or to create and...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Website Entrepreneur Factory
Aimed at mitigating long-term unemployment and young adults’ access to the labour market, this project seeks to promote local development through employability and entrepreneurship. It provides support in the areas...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website Entrepreneur Mentoring Program
Based upon the accredited MME syllabus, The Entrepreneur Mentoring Program is designed to empower commercial and social entrepreneurs within SMEs by matching them with trained mentors and facilitating the setting...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches United Kingdom English Website Entrepreneur Roadmap
The Entrepreneur Roadmap provides coaching and resources to help accelerate entrepreneurs’ ventures. It is primarily recommended for first-time entrepreneurs and seasoned founders alike. The Roadmap provides guidance through four stages;...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches USA English Website Entrepreneurial Activities in Europe - Senior Entrepreneurship
Authored by D. Halabisky and issued in 2012, by OECD, the policy paper Entrepreneurial Activities in Europe tackles the issues surrounding population ageing within the European Union, namely in the...
Policy papers Portugal Portuguese Document Entrepreneurship 45-60
Focused on the northern region of Portugal, the project Entrepreneurship 45-60 aims to promote employment and to support labour mobility of the unemployed and qualified population over 45 years of...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website Entrepreneurship 5.0
Entrepreneurship 5.0 is a training and mentoring programme aimed at people aged 50 years or over, who want to develop their entrepreneurial skills. The programme is suited to the employed...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Portugal Portuguese Website Entrepreneurship Amongst Persons over 45 years of age in Portugal
Published in 2015, by IFDEP (Portuguese Institute for the Promotion and Development of Entrepreneurship), this report provides an overview of the entrepreneurial profile of the population over 45 years of...
Policy papers Portugal Portuguese Document Entrepreneurship Guide 101
The Entrepreneurship Guide 101 has been prepared by Habitat Derneği (Habitat Association) with the primary aim of raising awareness of entrepreneurship on individuals and society. This document is a descriptive...
Policy papers Turkey Turkish Document Entrepreneurship in the Silver Economy. A response to the demographic challenge.
The rural areas of Spain are ageing and emptying, threatening the existence of many towns. Faced with this problem, this dissertation proposes to focus on the elderly who live in...
Projects Spain Spanish Document Excess Food
From 2014 to the end of 2017, SUCOOL ( supported 65 initiatives in their programs. 46 of them graduated by completing the program. 23 of the 46 graduates have established...
Good practices Turkey Turkish Website Facing the issue of employment of older people in an ageing Europe
Tools and resources France French Document VideoFET (Further Education & Training) –Start Your Own Business – QQI Level 5 Award
FET (Further Education & Training) –Start Your Own Business – QQI Level 5 Award A twice-weekly evening course running for 13 weeks. The course aims to provide learners with the...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Ireland English Website Framework for action for older people. Proposals and recommendations to strengthen the exercise of the rights of older people.
In 2015, the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, the Secretary of State for Social Services and Equality and the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services developed the...
Policy papers Spain Spanish Document Galician strategy for active ageing
This strategy is a renewal of the Xunta de Galicia's commitment to guaranteeing the well-being and quality of life of the elderly. The strategy is articulated along three strategic lines:...
Good practices Spain Galician Spanish Document Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2019/2020 Global Report
The latest Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report issued by the GEM consortium, gathers harmonised indicators on entrepreneurship around the world. It provides information on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems, as well as...
Policy papers United Kingdom English Document Grandma's Kitchen - Healthy Food, Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
This intergenerational and community project of social entrepreneurship is structured around the promotion of traditional, locally-based Mediterranean food and gastronomy. It aims to recover local healthy food habits based on...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website HPSU SPRINT Investor Ready Programme
Dublin Business Innovation Centre, on behalf of Enterprise Ireland, deliver SPRINT, a programme designed specifically for Enterprise Ireland’s High Potential Start-Up clients seeking initial seed investment within the next 6...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Ireland English Website IAPMEI Support to Entrepreneurs
The IAPMEI (Institute for SME Support and Innovation) website provides relevant information on a wide range of programs, initiatives and services to support entrepreneurship and to foster business and management...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Website ICT4SILVER
The territorial area SUDOE will have the oldest population in Europe by 2050. In view of the aging of its population and the increased need for products/services adapted to the...
Projects Portugal English French Portuguese Spanish Website II SILVER ECONOMY International Congress
On 26th and 27th November 2020, the second International Congress SILVER ECONOMY: Active and Healthy Ageing was held in Zamora (Castilla y León). It generated a first level scientific meeting...
Policy papers Spain Spanish Video IMPARABLES / unstoppable
Promotes ideas created by people over 60. In its commitment to diversity, Coca-Cola launched this program in 2017, with Aquarius and Fundación Ashoka. Every year, projects of a social nature...
Projects Spain Spanish Website Impulse: Entrepreneurs and Businesses that Grow Together
This project aims to support the creation of micro-businesses. It targets unemployed and underemployed people and offers an integrated solution to overcome three key barriers to self-employment: lack of skills,...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website Incubator - giving a chance to entrepreneurs aged 50 and over
Incubator is aimed at people in the Ile de France region between the ages of 50 and 70 (unemployed, salaried workers, retirees), who have an idea for creating a business...
Projects France French Document Ingenuity – Competitive Start Fund and Business Development Programme
In 2016, The Ireland Smart Ageing Exchange (ISAX), together with DCU Ryan Academy and Local Enterprise Offices, with funding from the Bank of Ireland, launched the programme, ‘Ingenuity’ aimed at...
Projects Ireland English Website INGEV Webinar
INGEW Webinar is a platform in which guidance for entrepreneurs is provided via videos and webinars. Industry-specific experiences and consultancy services are provided with the purpose of supporting start-ups through...
Projects Turkey Arabic Turkish Website Intergenerational mentoring
Starting from a context of a growing, ageing population and an incipient school uncertainty, this document presents a pre-project of group prevention, aimed at older people and secondary school students...
Projects Spain Spanish Website INtergenerational Succession in SMEs' Transition -INSIST Erasmus + Project
This is a training programme based on the key fundamentals of business succession (strategy, finance, legal, cultural and social aspects). The mentoring module, included in the 4 modules of the...
Projects France French Document International Centre on Ageing
The International Centre on Ageing (CENIE) is the result of the collaboration between the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca (ES), the General Foundation of the Higher Council for...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Website Introduction to Ageing for Innovators
The free online course, Introduction to Ageing for Innovators, is offered by the University of Salamanca and it is an initiative of the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE) and part...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Portugal English Portuguese Spanish Website Irish Social Enterprise Network (ISENT) – Helpline
ISENT offer a Social Enterprise Helpline: 0892550289 to help and support social enterprises, social entrepreneurs and social enterprises. Calls are free and aim to: - Provide information on newly available...
Tools and resources Ireland English Website Irish Social Enterprise Network (ISENT) – Social Enterprise Virtual Coffee Clinics
ISENT, the national representative of social enterprises in Ireland, are running a series of clinics via Zoom to help social enterprises with any issues they are facing, from starting an...
Tools and resources Ireland English Website ISS Group: Entrepreneurship and employment in the ageing sector
Grupo SSI (Servicios Sociales Integrados S. Coop) is a cooperative with more than 32 years of experience that integrates social initiative and public utility companies, made up of professionals in...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Website Keeping senior workers in employment
Tools and resources France English French Document WebsiteKUSIF
Koç University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF) was established in 2012 as a social impact focused research and implementation centre to encourage social innovation through research, education and collaboration. KUSIF, in...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Document Local Enterprise Offices – Annual Local Enterprise Week
Local Enterprise Offices hold an annual Local Enterprise week which consists of a series of local business events and initiatives, including networking events and workshops. In 2021, the events took...
Projects Ireland English Document Website Local Enterprise Offices – Dublin City Mentor Programme
Local Enterprise Offices operate 31 teams across the Local Authority Government network in Ireland. They provide advice, support and information about starting or growing your business in Ireland. They aim...
Projects Ireland English Website Local Enterprise Offices – Hi Start – Get your Business Investor Ready
The programme helps companies seeking advice on early-stage growth, particularly on securing investment and scaling the business in international markets. At the end of the programme, participants will make an...
Projects Ireland English Website MentorCert
The ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership project started on 1 November 2017. This project was proposed as a follow-up to two previous ERASMUS+ projects: TRUST ME and CERTI4TRAIN. TRUST ME developed competence...
Projects United Kingdom Hungarian Website Mentoring an Entrepreneur: Guide for a Mentor
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches USA English DocumentMentoring by seniors as a tool for innovation and knowledge management in organisations
Within the framework of a literature review project, lecturers from the University of Deusto have written this scientific article: We live in a complex environment that makes organisations face increasing...
Projects Spain Spanish Document Mentorloop - Free professional mentoring resources
A vast collection of mentoring resources available to download for free. Downloadable e-sources available include: - E-book: The Definite Guide to Remote Mentoring - The Complete Mentoring Program Toolkit -...
Tools and resources Australia English Website Mentorship Effect in Entrepreneurship
ITU Çekirdek is an incubation centre established by Istanbul Technical University and ITU ARI Teknokent in 2012. ITU Çekirdek is a wide entrepreneurship platform that brings together more than 40...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Website MentorsWork – skills and supports to help your business thrive
A bespoke Mentoring programme over 8 weeks. The programme includes: - X3 1:1 Mentoring sessions - X2 Peer-Focused Workshops - X2 Expert-led Masterclasses - X3 Licenses to a Curated Online...
Projects Ireland English Website Micro Nest Social Entrepreneurship
Micro Nest is a social entrepreneurship incubator that promotes the creation of alternative and sustainable life projects for families facing unemployment and/or socioeconomic vulnerability, through inclusive micro-entrepreneurship. This project has...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Social network More and Better Jobs for Women: Decent Work for Women's Empowerment in Turkey Project
This study conducted by the ILO-year partnership in 2014, 'More and Better Jobs for Women: Decent Work for Women's Empowerment in Turkey' was prepared during the project. The main purpose...
Projects Turkey Turkish Document National Charter for Entrepreneurial Mentoring
This charter, co-signed by two ministers in 2013, meets two main objectives - Firstly, to provide a reference framework in the practice of entrepreneurial mentoring to all actors wishing to...
Policy papers France French Document Website National Social Enterprise for Ireland 2019 - 2022 Policy
The National Social Enterprise for Ireland 2019 – 2022 Policy focuses on 3 main objectives: 1. Building Awareness of Social Enterprise 2. Growing and Strengthening Social Enterprise 3. Achieving Better...
Policy papers Ireland English Document Website Notion of mentor
This article provides a better understanding of what a mentor is, what his or her role is, and why he or she should be supported. When a new entrepreneur embarks...
Tools and resources France French Website Nursery of Employment
This project aims to increase self-employment through an immersive experience of eight months in length in businesses related to forestry, organic vegetable production, nature tourism and the processing of healthy...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Document One Stop Shop for Start-Uppers
Integrated in the online platform Startup Portugal this One Stop Shop targets entrepreneurs and investors and compiles all the required information to create and run a business in Portugal. It...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Website Open innovation space
Silver Economy Innovation Space is an area for learning, meeting, dialogue and exchange between companies, research groups, administration and citizens, but also a great opportunity to do business, find a...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Website Our Mentoring Experience: A Guide for CSOs Aiming to Provide Mentoring
Mentoring is used by Istanbul Bilgi University, Civil Society Studies Centre as a tool to strengthen the capacities of NGOs within the scope of Bilgi Social Incubation support programs. Topics...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Turkey English Turkish Document Peer Mentors Making A Difference
The Peer Mentoring approach is considered as one of the mentoring types that provides the greatest benefit to the development of the training process. Thanks to successful Peer Mentoring practices,...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Turkey Turkish Document Peer-to-peer exchange for successful start-ups
Good practices France French Document Video WebsitePORDATA
Created in 2009, PORDATA is part of the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation, and it aims to gather, organise, and disseminate relevant information vis a vis several areas of Portuguese...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Website Post-creation support
Optimised post-creation downstream support, provided by initiative platforms, incubators and business centres, involving personalised technical monitoring of the entrepreneur, sponsorship by volunteers, contacts with partners and experts in the structures,...
Projects France French Website Postgraduate Silver Economy
The Postgraduate in Silver Economy is designed to provide managers and middle management with the necessary tools to accelerate and enhance their implementation in the market segment of the elderly,...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain Spanish Website Powerful Educators, Powerful Cooperatives
This is a project coordinated by Ankara Development Agency and Turkish National Agency within the scope of Erasmus+ Programme (KA2). The project aims to report and designate the needs for...
Projects Turkey Turkish Document Video Website Practical Guide for Entrepreneurs
Issued in 2016, by IAPMEI (Institute for SME Support and Innovation), this practical introductory guide is based upon a model of question and answers and aims to provide basic information...
Good practices Portugal Portuguese Document Promoting ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS and the potential of SENIOR JOB SEEKERS
Most older unemployed people do not necessarily consider the possibility of starting their own businesses by exploiting their many years of experience and acquired knowledge. In order to become an...
Projects European Union English French Document Website Re Think Ireland - supporting Social Innovation
Re Think Ireland, previously named Social Innovation Growth Fund Ireland, provides business supports and funding to Social enterprises and charities in Ireland. They provide advice and knowledge, networks and connections,...
Good practices Ireland English Document Website Rural 3.0. Service Learning for the rural development
Rural 3.0 is set as a knowledge alliance between different European Universities and rural partners, each with a different history, different experiences with rural social entrepreneurship and/or rural service learning...
Projects Portugal English Website SAVIA
SAVIA is a non-profit project led by the Endesa Foundation. The Foundation's activity focuses on four areas of action: education, employment training, environment and culture. The project falls within the...
Projects Spain Spanish Website SAVIA Twins
SAVIA Twins is a corporate volunteering programme in which Endesa employee volunteers from all over Spain will participate as mentors for unemployed seniors registered on the SAVIA platform. These volunteers...
Projects Spain Spanish Website SECOT (Spanish Seniors for Technical Cooperation)
SECOT is an association that provides tools and resources for the development of small businesses, supporting senior entrepreneurs in their initiative to implement a business project. SECOT's mission is focused...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Website SEED European Silver Economy Awards
Supporting the recognition of the Silver Economy in Europe in the Digital era’ was designed to launch the first European-level award scheme rewarding innovative solutions for a better quality of...
Projects Germany Finnish German Slovenian Spanish Website SEED UP Innovative Entrepreneurship Programme
SEED UP is a programme consisting of training, academic and industry-specific mentorship and consultancy services for startups operating in the areas of Bursa, Eskişehir, and Bilecik. This programme aims to...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Website Senior Enterprise – an initiative designed to encourage a greater involvement with enterprise for people aged 50+
Senior Enterprise was set up in 2010 and ran until 2013. It was an EU initiative supported by INTERREG IVB NWE. It aimed to raise awareness and support seniors over...
Good practices Ireland English Website Senior Entrepreneurship Action Programme
The Programme aims: • To encourage the participant to explore, identify and plan a potential entrepreneurial or micro-enterprise opportunity in a particular sector, social environment or organisation . • To...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches European Union English Document Senior Entrepreneurship in Europe: Successful Case Studies and Recommendations for Northern Portugal
The report Senior Entrepreneurship in Europe: Successful Case Studies and Recommendations for Northern Portugal, is an output of the Entrepreneurship 45-60 project, which presents key findings and conclusions about senior...
Policy papers Portugal Portuguese Document Senior Entrepreneurship: State of the Art and Development Strategy
Aimed at devising a strategy to support senior entrepreneurship, this study provides an assessment of the state of the art regarding senior entrepreneurship and senior skilled unemployment in the northern...
Policy papers Portugal Portuguese Document Senior Entrepreneurship. A background paper for the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development
Issued in 2013 by OECD, and authored by Teemu Kautonen, Senior Entrepreneurship. A background paper for the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development, offers an overview of research...
Policy papers OECD English Document Senior Match Business – Create your Business
Integrated in the project Entrepreneurship 45-60, the Senior Match Business – Create your Business was an entrepreneurship support pilot programme that provided access to business plans, brainstorming sessions, training, mentoring...
Good practices Portugal Portuguese Website Senior Movement
The project Senior Movement aims to promote active ageing and to change the traditional perception of the elderly as a vulnerable and dependent group, through the improvement of their wellbeing...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website Senior Universities Network
The Senior Universities aims to foster the active ageing of persons aged 50 years or more, as well as to improve their skills and knowledge in arts, ITC, sports, social...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Portugal Portuguese Website Seniors place in the entreprise
An interesting article that repositions the notion of the senior citizen. At what age does one become senior? What are the statistics on the employment of seniors? How can seniors...
Tools and resources France English French Document Website Seven urgent issues to improve longevity: Activate the Silver Economy Radar
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Image / InfographicSilver economy
The project will provide to the target group of consumers, employees and employers disregarding their age, a relatively broad view on the issue of the Silver Economy, a change in...
Projects Hungary English Hungarian Slovak Website Silver Economy entrepreneurship
An entrepreneurship project aimed at entrepreneurs, companies or self-employed professionals who want to explore new business opportunities in the field of the elderly. The objectives pursued are: - To promote...
Projects Spain Spanish Website Silver economy Taldea: document resources
Silver Economy Taldea has created a database with documentary resources on the subject, which can be searched from various categories (general/housing; trends/health and care; and welfare/leisure and services/proximity). Specific resources...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Website Silver Economy: an open reality. Blog for the International Centre on Ageing
The International Centre on Ageing (CENIE) has set up a blog to share articles on the Silver Economy. This space aims to be an open reality towards ageing and what,...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Website SME Mentorship Training
This training aims to support participants, who are willing to be a SME mentor or SME Counselor, in order to use their expertise and experience in guiding enterprises effectively. The...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Turkey Turkish Website Social Enterprise Toolkit – Irish Social Enterprise Network (ISENT)
ISENT, the national representative of social enterprises in Ireland, offer a free, downloadable Social Enterprise Toolkit on their website featuring the following chapters: 1. Introduction to Social Enterprise 2. Mission...
Tools and resources Ireland English Website Social Entrepreneurs – supporting Social Entrepreneurs on every step of their journey.
Social Entrepreneurs is an organisation offering supports to help Social Entrepreneurs succeed. They offer the following programmes: 1. The Ideas Academy: a 3-month programme that provides support and direction to...
Good practices Ireland English Document Website Social Finance Directory
In Turkey, both the supply and demand side of the traditional financing model is well-known. However, the social entrepreneurship sector has its own unique nature and needs. The guidelines in...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Document Social Inclusion Of Refugee Youth Through Social Entrepreneurship
The project aims to promote the integration of migrant youth through social entrepreneurship. To do this, a mentorship system will be enhanced within the project scope. 20 social entrepreneur mentor...
Projects Turkey English Turkish Website Social Innovation Lab Kent – The Method Duck
The SILK Method Duck is a collection of methods, principles and prompt cards developed for use by project teams, designers, project managers, social science researchers and community and economic developmental...
Tools and resources United Kingdom English Website Sponsorship or mentoring in France: a system to be promoted
In the Ile-de-France region, in 2018, nearly two thousand sponsors or mentors supported and accompanied young and not so young people in the construction and implementation of their professional project....
Projects France French Document Website Start Now. Cry Later
This podcast available at Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Anchor FM, aims to promote Portuguese entrepreneurs and their businesses. Hosted by the journalist Mariana Barbosa, each podcast episode has an invited...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Audio / Podcast Statistics Portugal
Statistics Portugal is a national service that produces official statistical information relevant for the Portuguese society. Statistics Portugal online platform, amongst other relevant topics, offers data and studies on demographics,...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Website Strategic Planning and Evaluation: Tools for Realizing Results – Stanford University
A blog post from social innovation experts to help guide social innovators with the initial stage of embarking on a project. The article argues that strategic planning and evaluation are...
Tools and resources USA English Website SuDirective SuMentor Groups
Su Mentor is the mentoring division of the SuDirectivo Group, which offers a new style of mentoring, a tool to accelerate the learning curve of managers with potential. They offer...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain Spanish Website Sustaining Self-employment for Disadvantaged Entrepreneurs
Authored by Robert Blackburn and David Smallbone, and issued by OECD, in 2017, Sustaining Self-employment for Disadvantaged Entrepreneurs, addresses the issues and barriers faced by ‘disadvantaged entrepreneurs’ - women, youths,...
Policy papers OECD English Document SWOT – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threat
The SWOT method allows upstream, internal, and external analysis of identified strengths: What are my strengths in this entrepreneurial project, mentoring as a senior? As well as the weaknesses: What...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches European Union English French App Document Video Website Tech Startup School
Tech Startup School is an acceleration program supporting entrepreneurs with high potential in the field of technology and aims to establish sustainable business, from the idea phase to launching. Tech...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Turkey Turkish Website TechAnkara
TechAnkara, in progress since 2014 with the support of Ankara Development Agency, is a technical support project which aims to improve the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Ankara for the enhancement of...
Projects Turkey Turkish Website The Effect of the Volunteer Management Mentoring Program on Mentors’ Entrepreneurship Tendency and Leadership Self-efficacy
This study aims to examine the effect of participating in the Volunteer Management Mentoring Program on entrepreneurship tendency and leadership self-efficacy. The article presents guidance for entrepreneurship, leadership, self-efficacy, research...
Policy papers Turkey English Turkish Document The Entrepreneurs Academy – Kick Start Your New Business – Training and Mentoring Support Programme
A 14 week, fully-funded programme aimed at helping learners with the process of starting a business. Participants will receive support, advice and practical training from a team of experienced entrepreneurs...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Ireland English Website The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019 - Policies for inclusive entrepreneurship
The latest edition of the biennial OECD/EU reports, The Missing Entrepreneurs, highlights that seniors (50-64 years old) are the largest group of self-employed persons in the EU. This report equally...
Policy papers OECD English Document The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019 POLICIES FOR INCLUSIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP
Entrepreneurs innovate, finding new solutions to social and economic problems, they identify and exploit opportunities for growth, they provide jobs for themselves and others, and with good projects they generate...
Projects European Union French Greek Portuguese Document Video Website The Open Book of Social Innovation – Nesta
Nesta believe the methods for social innovation should be a common property and should evolve through shared learning. They created The Open Book of Social Innovation to do just that....
Tools and resources United Kingdom English Document Website The Role Of İŞKUR in the context of The Silver Economy and Active Aging and the measures to be taken
This study is the thesis study of an expert working at İŞKUR (Turkish Employment Agency). It is important for individuals to remain active and healthy in order to maximize the...
Policy papers Turkey Turkish Document The Silver Economy Company (by Juan Carlos Alcaide)
The Silver Economy Company is a company specialised in the development of business plans for companies related to the Silver Economy or that want to enter it. They create products,...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain Spanish Website The Silver Economy manifesto: basic principles of the senior economy
Juan Carlos Alcaide (2019), a pioneer of the Silver Economy in Spain, has written a manifesto indicating the basic principles of the Silver Economy. Taking into account the Silver Economy...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Website The Strategy to Support the Community & Voluntary Sector in Ireland
In Ireland, where the private or State sector does not provide services to support communities, community and voluntary organisations have historically delivered these services themselves. Their work is acknowledged by...
Policy papers Ireland English Document Website The Wisdom of Age: A Handbook for Staff
The Wisdom of Age: A Handbook for Staff is a comprehensive resource designed to offer program staff specific tools and promising practices to best recruit, train and support mentors over...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches USA English Document Training for the novice entrepreneur: exploring the possibilities of mentoring
This article, although not recent, is interesting because it reflects on both the value of mentoring for entrepreneurs and elements of learning through the work of different authors. The article...
Tools and resources France French Document Website Training in entrepreneurship
In the context of the entrepreneurship conference, the objective here will be to: - Stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit and create the conditions for mobilising and supporting all talents to support...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches France French Document Video Website Transmission of Experience through Digitally Trained Senior Mentors to Mentees
The Transmission of Experience through Digitally Trained Senior Mentors to Mentees (TEaTIME) project is a research-driven project aimed at senior citizens who are regarded as digitally low-skilled but good at...
Projects Turkey English Website Trinity Business School – The Centre for Social Innovation – open learning space
The Centre for Social Innovation, Trinity College Dublin Business School, offers an open and welcoming learning space where a wide number of participants can challenge current thinking and co-create new...
Tools and resources Ireland English Website Turkey Entrepreneurship Strategy & Action Plan by KOSGEB
Entrepreneurship is a far and wide area of policy which interacts with other policy areas. Entrepreneurship policies, which used to be considered in the past as an “extension” to SME...
Policy papers Turkey English Turkish Document Valuing seniors in Luxembourg companies: a challenge and an opportunity
Tools and resources Luxembourg French DocumentWe are Ireland Online (.ie) – 10 digital tools to help you work smarter and grow faster
A selection and outline of 10 practical, popular and proven digital tools to help boost efficiency and productivity: - Dropbox - Slack - Canva - Asana - Zendesk - Hootsuite...
Tools and resources Ireland English Website White Paper on Active Ageing
This document promotes ageing as an opportunity, while empowering older people as social capital that facilitates new forms of economic and social development, placing value on the relational economy (health...
Policy papers Spain Spanish Document Yep – Young entrepreneur mentoring people
The project "YEP! is an Erasmus + project with Young Entrepreneur Mentors, Unemployed Adults" and aims to develop a training programme for young entrepreneurs (18-30 years old) and start-up entrepreneurs...
Projects France French Document